
Are you thinking about adopting a cat?  If you are, the following pages are for you. There are many cats looking for a good home and someone to take care of them.  They have so much love to give in return for such a simple kindness.  Take a look and find your perfect feline companion!

And once you do find the perfect companion, fill out our adoption questionnaire and we can make sure that the two of you meet.

If you are looking to adopt a cat but don’t see the cat of your dreams on our site, you should still contact us because we help rescuers find placement for some of their cats that need homes.

Take a look at all of our Happy Tails and see how rewarding adopting can be.

Help us to adopt more pets by donating!


Please provide the landlord's name, address and phone number and whether or not they permit animals within the dwelling.
I.E. 5 - Male - Positive 8 Female - Unsure, etc.
List Name. Gender and how they were received. I.E. Rocky - Male - Found on property Viola - Female - From neighbor Teddy - Male - From shelter - Belleville Animal Shelter, 111 Main Street, Belleville, NJ
Please list Name, Gender, Breed and how received: I.E. Joey - Male - German Shepard - Raised from pup JoAnn - Female - Corgi - inherited from family, etc. Tiny - Male - Beagle - From shelter - Doc's Shelter 11111 Main St. Grover, NJ 99999
I.E. Scout - Dog - Beagle - neutered - gets along with all other pets Daisy - Cat - Spayed - Domestic short hair - gets along with all other pets Yogi - Cat - Not neutered - has problems with others being too close other wise okay
Please list the pets name and related problems. I.E. Scotty - Dog - Is aggressive with smaller dogs Freddy - Cat - has diabetes and requires insulin
I.E. Scarlet - Canary - died of natural causes
Note that a collar and tag is helpful if an animal is lost or stolen or in the event of a fire or burglary.
I.E. Bedroom, Kitchen, Bathroom, etc.
I.E. Bathroom, Bedroom, etc.

If I cannot keep this cat(s) for any reason, I agree that I will IMMEDIATELY contact Communities Altering The Strays (CATS).

If I must move and cannot locate a Pet-Friendly dwelling, I agree that I will contact Communities Altering The Strays (CATS) for information and assistance in locating Pet-Friendly housing.

I agree that I will never advertise this cat as “free,” or sell or dispose of this cat to any auction, pet dealer, pet retailer, or institute, nor will I surrender him/her to any other rescue group or shelter other than Communities Altering The Strays (CATS).

I agree that I will not declaw this cat without first contacting Communities Altering The Strays (CATS) for alternative solutions.

By adopting this cat(s), I agree to be a compassionate and responsible guardian and will provide clean food and water daily, a warm and comfortable living area, a litter box and veterinary care for my pet’s entire life.

I agree that this cat will remain indoors (unless otherwise agreed). If the cat is to have access to the outdoors, I agree that the cat will not be permitted to roam off my property and that the cat will wear a collar and identification tag so that he/she can be returned to me if lost or stolen. To ensure the life of your cat, Communities Altering The Strays (CATS) highly recommends that all cats (indoor or outdoor) wear a “breakaway” collar and pet identification or rabies tag. We also recommend having your cat(s) microchipped. If the cat(s) should lose the collar, the microchip will enable authorities to locate you.

I agree to provide all remaining state-required and veterinary-recommended vaccinations, treatments and exams, starting from the date of adoption, and for the life of the cat(s).

I agree that Communities Altering The Strays (CATS) will make follow-up calls and/or home visits for the purpose of ensuring the proper care and adjustment of the cat.
o I agree that Communities Altering The Strays (CATS) has the right to reclaim this cat(s) and proceed with legal proceedings if I have not complied with the above agreements, have falsified information on this or the adoption application or any other paperwork, refused a home visit, or if my payment for the adoption fee is returned for insufficient funds.

Upon the adoption of a cat, Communities Altering The Strays (CATS), its Board of Directors, its Trustees, and its Volunteers are absolved from all liability for injuries or damages resulting from the adoption of this cat(s).

We work with a variety of veterinarians, clinics and veterinary hospitals; therefore, our adoption fees vary accordingly. The average adoption fee is $100.00. We encourage the adoption of two cats together and offer a discount. We also offer a discount for the adoption of senior cats and cats with special needs. Adoption fees include:

o Spay/Neuter
o Vaccinations (as required for the age of the Cat(s)/Kitten(s)
o Treatment for worms, fleas and ear mites
o Testing for FeLV/FIV
o Microchipping
o Other services may be included

By placing your name on this electronic application, it is equivalent to a signature on a paper application. Your name on this electronic application certifies that you agree that all of the above statements and information on the application is true and correct to the best of your knowledge. If any of the information should change during the adoption process, you agree that you will contact Communities Altering The Strays (CATS) as soon as possible to update your information.

For security verification, please enter any random two digit number. For example: 66